Monday, September 19, 2022

Tools For Technical SEO Auditing
Tools For Technical SEO Auditing

Tools For Technical SEO Auditing

Technical SEO auditing focuses on the discoverability of a website.

Adobe Flash files are more difficult to decipher and extract information from than HTML or JavaScript files.

Information architecture is also important in making a website search engine friendly.

There are several tools available for performing technical SEO auditing.

Technical SEO Auditing

Technical SEO auditing includes metrics that provide detailed information on your site's SEO performance.

- The audit is also able to identify blocking factors for the Googlebot.

- Although most composite metrics will give you a broad picture view of your site, granular technical analysis can show specific issues.


Using a crawler to examine your website is one of the best ways to do this.

- It teaches you how to look at your site just like Google does.

- Analyzing your server logs, you can check whether your site sends the right signals to search engines.

Fix Issues

Technical SEO auditing helps you fix issues with your website and improve rankings.

- It uses tools that collect data from various external sources, such as Google Search Console.

- Once complete, you will receive ready-to-use dashboards showing errors' distribution, source, and more.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an SEO spider that crawls websites.

- The program's basic mode is sufficient, but it has some limitations.

- For example, it cannot scan sites with hundreds of thousands of pages.

- It is important to set up your settings properly if you are trying to use Screaming Frog to perform technical SEO auditing.

- It can identify URLs with relevant metadata such as page titles and meta descriptions and does not perform a crawl of your site.

- The software scans the web for keywords and performs an MD5 check to identify duplicate URLs.

- It also checks for low-content pages and high-level content within the domain.


SEMrush's technical SEO auditing tool can help you identify mistakes that may have affected your site's performance.

- It runs over 120 checks to evaluate the health of your site.

- These include duplicate content, indexing, core web vitals, subfolders, and desktop and mobile versions.

- There are also step-by-step instructions on how to improve your website's image and layout.

Sign In

The first step in using SEMrush is to sign in.

- After doing so, open the SEO toolkit.

- Then, select the Audit option under the On-Page & Tech SEO menu.

- In the Audit window, enter the website's address and name.

Google Search Console

If you are using Google Search Console to optimize your website, you must be aware of the various errors that could be occurring.

- For instance, you may have broken links, which result in 404 errors.

- Such errors create poor user experiences and send negative signals to search engines.

- After adding your website to Google Search Console (GSC), you must create an account and enter your domain address.

- You can also add specific URLs to see a comprehensive list of all errors on your website.

- Google also provides several reports that you can use to improve your website's performance, such as search engine performance and user experience reports.

Tools For Technical SEO Auditing


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